The Program
The Fitness component of the Evoke Warriors program is the guiding factor in getting physically and mentally strong. Workouts are designed to help each Warrior push their limits, while staying safe and healthy throughout the process.
The program has Warriors starting month one with 2 strength training sessions per week with an optional 3rd day. We adjust workouts to each Warriors physical abilities, and of course, take into consideration each individuals weaknesses and limitations. The program also has them working on their endurance and increasing heart health through cardio sessions.
As they get stronger and fitter, the workouts increase, eventually having them in the gym 4x a week along with 5-6 days a week of cardio.
health & nutrition
Nutrition is a key component of weight loss, getting your body healthy from the inside out! We develop macros, caloric intake and water intake based on science to each individuals needs. Whether they are trying to lose weight and fat or gain muscle and weight! Each Warriors needs are taken into consideration. We then share recipes to help learn what clean eating looks like, as well as the importance of reading labels!
Through sharing our knowledge of nutrition we’ve helped Warriors lower their cholesterol, lose body fat, and gain the confidence to understand their body’s needs. In the end, it’s about knowing what foods to put into your body for optimal health while focusing on making food fuel, not an emotional crutch!
wellness & Lifestyle
The Wellness element comes from Life Coaching! Let's get down to the nitty gritty of why we make certain choices. Why we allow ourselves to continually give negative self talk and how all that relates to emotional eating, and lack of motivation to stay active. The idea is to get deeply into your mind and to teach you to make choices based on your goal to be as fit and healthy as possible!
Cancer takes a toll not only physically, but mentally as well. Sometimes leaving you behind feeling sad, lonely and depressed. We want to give you the skills to break free from those emotional holds.